Student jobs and their opportunities
In Germany, there is a whole range of activities, some of which children but especially young people can do for a fee. This could include work for neighbors, acquaintances or relatives, for example. The most common activities include mowing the lawn, cleaning, dog walking, babysitting, shopping or doing garden work. Some companies, associations and companies also offer small jobs for young people. This could include delivering newspapers or distributing flyers. Students are also being sought again and again for inventories or in sales outlets. Most jobs are mini-jobs with a maximum income of 400 euros per month. The jobs are usually advertised in the daily newspaper or on the Internet. Your own portals such as also bring students and clients together. Your own young talent should definitely stop by here if they are looking for a student job.
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Improving pocket money: That's why it's a good thing
A student job has many advantages. Experience has shown that distraction and exercise in addition to school lead to better performance. In addition, you can learn to take on your own responsibility and earn your own money. The children get a first glimpse of what their later working life could look like and, of course, this kind of job also looks very good on their curriculum vitae. If they choose a student job that suits them, working parallel to school is also a lot of fun.
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Student jobs: These are the legal conditions
Of course, there are also a number of things to consider when it comes to student jobs. that Youth Work Protection Act allows students aged 13 and over to do light work for just two hours a day. From the age of 15, they can then also take on a vacation job, which comprises a maximum of 20 days of eight hours each. Things such as shift work, night work or health-related activities are of course taboo. As a student, you can also apply for a payroll tax card. You then pay the solidarity surcharge, church tax and income tax. However, they usually get their advance payments back at the end of the year due to the allowances.
Social security contributions and pension benefits must be paid if the work has been registered and includes earnings of over 400 euros. Parents should definitely report their vacation job to their own liability insurance. It is also important: The right to child benefit expires if the child's income currently (as of 21.09.2021) is 8,924 euros per year. However, up to 920 euros in advertising costs or social security may be deducted.
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vacation jobs and Bling
Good support for a summer job is Bling. In this way, children can be paid directly via their pocket money account. At the same time, you can also offer small jobs and auxiliary work within the family using the app. For example, if you want to motivate you to mow the lawn, you can communicate this via app and offer it to a child as a task for a fee.
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