Help: Pocket money gone again - this is how children learn to save!


Sparsamkeit ist kein Charakterzug, den Kinder von Geburt an haben. Die Fähigkeit, sparsam mit Geld umzugehen, wird anerzogen. In jungen Jahren sind Kinder es gewohnt, ihren Bedürfnissen sofort nachzugehen. Hunger? Der muss gestillt werden. Angst? Ich will getröstet werden. Für alle Eltern vollkommen selbstverständlich. Sparen ist für Kinder jedoch etwas, was sie erlernen müssen.

And then comes the first pocket money — why saving can be difficult for children

This article discusses why it is so important for children to learn how to save and how saving works best for children. With the first money that children can take responsibility for themselves, the rule that they should meet their needs no longer seems to exist. Suddenly, the children should save money, suppress their needs and pocket money Set it aside instead of hitting it upside down for candy at the kiosk like everyone else. From a child's point of view, this is completely nonsensical.

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Kids don't think about bad times

When people grow up, it is time to also think about the financial future at some point. Reserves are created for bad times, saved for holidays and the sword of Damocles from the broken washing machine is always hovering over adult heads. None of this is a major issue for children who grow up in financially secure circumstances. Save kids not out of an end in itself, in case at some point, in an abstruse-nebulous future, there should be no more money. But so that they can do it later, children should be taught how to save money early on.

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This is how children can save better — money saving tips for children & parents

Because that Saving for kids It is not something that they simply know by nature, it must be taught to them. Some children learn how to save quickly, others have to make a few mistakes first to understand how important saving actually is — and that's perfectly okay. For children who burn coins and notes in their pockets, there is still a tip or two on how to make saving easier. Here are some saving tips for kids:

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1) Make saving meaningful for children — talk about money

In families where money is not discussed, there is also less understanding of the subject of finances among young people. Logical, actually. Of course, you don't have to present your bank statements to your schoolchild, who is just traveling safely in multiplication tables, to prove your financial situation. But it makes a massive impression on older children in particular when they realize how much money is being spent on housing, food, leisure and how much their parents' income is.

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2) Savings tip for everyday life: Take children shopping

Small children in particular are sensitized to the issue of money through grocery shopping for the family. They understand that goods are purchased and have a certain value. They also learn the difference between necessary things and “luxury products.” Not everything you want ends up in the car. One day there is still chocolate at home and mom and dad refuse to become a confectionery warehouse. Another day, you don't need another toy because you were so nice.

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3) A stylish money box encourages children to save

This is especially true for small children. If they are allowed to choose their money box themselves, the incentive for children to save money is much greater, as they also want to use their new money box. Visibly placed in the children's room, children are reminded time and again that they could throw something into their money box again. Of course, something is also spent sometimes, but that is what it should be about. The virtual ones are suitable for older children Savings pots in the Bling app. This allows children and young people to set their own savings goals and always see the exact savings amount and also how much is still missing.

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4) A goal to encourage children to save

Perhaps one of the most important tips, because, as discussed earlier, children do not save up for bad times. They therefore need a purpose, a reason why, from their point of view, saving is worthwhile for them. It doesn't matter whether it's a special toy, an extravagant bike or a vacation with friends. The only important thing is that your child absolutely wants it and you can make an understandable argument as to why they should spend their own money on it, even if only in part.

Let's imagine that you and your teenage child have picked out a youth vacation for the summer. The destination is right, and so is the financial framework. But suddenly your child would rather go to a holiday home with friends. Basically, you have nothing against it, but all the fun quickly becomes more expensive by 200 euros. And now you have a terrific argument. If your child doesn't want the vacation they initially planned, they simply have to pay the extra costs out of their own pocket and that is the goal for which saving money is worthwhile.

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5) Appeal to a sense of responsibility

Put on your child budgets For leisure, school supplies, clothes, etc. Children whose clothes don't grow in the closet or are paid for by their parents when shopping tend to handle money more responsibly. As a little extra, you can agree with your child that budgets that have not been used up due to their own frugality can be added to pocket money. But make sure it stays within limits. When a teenager walks around with broken shoes in winter to go party at the weekend, no one is helped.

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6) Don't give an advance on pocket money

Mom, can you advance me $10?“Who doesn't know that? And many a mother's heart becomes soft when the offspring, with jingling eyelashes and the sweetest voice, asks for a small advance on the pocket money that will soon be due anyway.

Now it's time for you to stay tough, even if you're no longer “dear mom” or “dearest daddy” for a few days. With pocket money, your child should learn that money doesn't grow on trees. If you always give an advance, your child learns exactly that: Money is always available and I just have to ask nice enough. The aim of this is to teach your child how to save, but has absolutely nothing to do with it.

If the pocket money is gone too quickly, your child will unfortunately have to tighten their belts or refrain from leisure activities. This is the only way things will work out better next time and your child will learn to allocate the money better — even if it hurts.

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7) Don't be disappointed if it doesn't work right away

It's not the end of the world if your child isn't a super saver. Sometimes it just has to be the overpriced brand product that breaks down after two weeks. Your child will have learned something. There are also bargain hunters among us adults and those who spend the money. As long as no one is suffering from it, that's not bad. Not everyone is super frugal, even though the Germans are currently more wealthy than ever.

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By the way, with the Bling card With your child, you can define different “money pots” that contain money for specific purposes. This allows your child to always see exactly how much money is still missing for the longed-for bike. The app provides savings tips for young people and shows how the goals can be achieved more quickly. Thanks to the appealing design, children learn how to save money in a playful way. Parents and children always have full transparency about spending and money that is still available. And the special thing: Debt is not possible with bling.

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How much money to save for children makes sense?

Savings accounts, savings accounts, EFT savings plans — there are numerous ways that parents can also save money for their child. Many parents choose to set aside money for their child, which they can only access after the age of 18. This makes it easier for your child to enter adult life.

It makes perfect sense to open a savings account shortly after the child is born and to deposit a small sum of money into it every month. Even if it is only €20 a month, there is already a whopping €4320 on the savings account after 18 years. A savings account is often created for the grandchildren later on.

With an EFT savings plan, you get an average return of around 5%. Even with a low monthly savings rate, you can save a small fortune for your child over the years.

Basically, everyone decides for themselves how much they want to save for their child. More is not necessarily always better here, as the incentive for children to save can quickly be lost if they know that they will be entitled to a savings account with a lot of money in a few years' time. Nevertheless, it is of course a great help to successfully master the transition to adult life.

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Conclusion: This is how children simply save more in everyday life

Saving is not something children take for granted and must be taught to them. A few everyday saving tips can help with this. Talk openly with your child about money and show him how you too can save your money. It is also a good idea to take your child shopping so that they learn the difference between essentials and “luxury products” and also see how much money groceries and other essentials cost.

Especially for young children, a new, self-selected piggy bank can encourage you to save money and it is generally useful to set a specific savings goal — whether that is a new toy, a bicycle or just a bar of chocolate doesn't matter at all. It is also important that you do not give your child an advance of pocket money. After all, you don't want your child to think that they will always get money if they simply ask for it nicely.

The question of how much you should save for your child is not so easy to answer. Of course, this always depends on the resources available on an individual basis. However, even a very low monthly savings rate can result in a small fortune for your child.

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