Secondary school and pocket money - what's important now?


Instead of the familiar surroundings of elementary school, unknown challenges await after the summer vacations. And they're quite something - because the new school brings a lot of new life into your kids' everyday lives. Find out here how the changes will affect the way they handle money and how you can best deal with them.

This is changing with the new type of school

New teachers, new subjects, new learning. Switching to the new school doesn't change everything, but it really changes a lot. And a lot of this also has an effect on how money is handled. But what exactly is that all?

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New daily routine

Bye bye old way to school, hello new daily routine. With the switch to the new school, the entire daily routine quickly changes. It starts when you get up. If the school is in the neighboring town, the alarm clock rings much earlier after the summer vacation. After all, the bus has no regard for late risers.

The schedule is also changing. For your child, more lessons mean spending more time at school. Gone are the days when school is already closed at noon, from now on they work into the afternoon. And this is despite the fact that the stomach requires replenishment just in time for lunchtime.

Many schools offer a canteen or a school cafeteria for this purpose. There is a hot meal here at lunchtime, which provides strength for long school days. Although meals here are often promoted, they must still be economical for the operator. This means that your kids have to pay for their lunch.

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New environment

New class, new friends, new city: Especially when the school is in another city, the way to school is not on foot or by bike, but by public transport. The costs for this are often covered by the city or municipality — but not always.

But it's not just the trips to class. After all, your child makes new friends at school and they don't always come from the neighborhood. Bus and train trips to friends are usually not covered by the way to school ticket — a separate ticket is required. At least whenever “Taxi Mama” doesn't have time right now.

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New influences

With the switch to the new school, interests are changing.

Finally, your child has found a new gang. And the new friends all have the latest smartphone. It's no wonder that your son or daughter would also like to have a new cell phone. And new shoes. And a new school backpack.

With secondary education, children's priorities often change significantly. Old hobbies are suddenly boring and the former favorite clothes are uncool. Oh yes, and then the new school is also right in the city. That's why it's so tempting to head into town for a quick shopping trip after school.

This is how the few euros that your child spent on sweets in elementary school suddenly becomes a tidy sum.

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This is the right way to deal with the changes

Uff, a lot of changes that the new school brings with it in terms of pocket money. But stay cool: With our tips, you can easily handle them together with your son or daughter.

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Tip 1: Talk about money

Serious conversations with mom and dad? It's not cool.

Therefore, try not to be too dramatic about pocket money. It is not a taboo subject and should not be treated as such. Do something cool together and, by the way, bring the topic of money into play. Make it clear that you are always open to questions and problems on the topic — without threatening control. Use small examples in everyday life to show again and again how much life costs.

In this way, you can deal with the issue openly together and you can casually approach negotiations on the subject of pocket money.

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Tip 2: Adjust the rhythm

The turn of the school year is always a good opportunity to adjust your pocket money. Why That's what you'll find out in this blog article. When switching to secondary school, you should not only pay the amount, but also the rhythm adapt. Switch from a weekly payout to a monthly one. As a result, your child takes on more responsibility for allocating the money themselves.

Important: You also have to get used to the new payout rhythm yourself first. It's best to set a reminder on your cell phone that reminds you of your pocket money every month. It would be unfair to keep your kids waiting for money.

It's even easier with the Bling Card. In the app, you set the desired rhythm once and your kids have their pocket money available on time.

You don't have a bling card yet? Then it's time for tip 3:

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Tip 3: Create new opportunities

Is there always cash for pocket money? With the switch to secondary school, it is time to change that.

By now, card payment is completely normal almost everywhere. Often even in the school canteen, on the bus or in the kiosk next door. So it's best to get your child used to keeping track of cashless payments early on.

The Bling Card is a child-friendly tool for learning this. The app allows you to manage pocket money, spending and savings goals together. And with the card, your kids pay like an adult. Particularly practical: Unlike coins, the bling card does not disappear through the hole in your pocket.

All information about the Bling Card can be found here.

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Tip 4: Don't be afraid to compare

“But everyone in my class gets more pocket money than I do! ”

Be honest: As a child, you also said that to your parents yourself in order to get more money, didn't you? Are there any parents in this world who have not yet heard this sentence?

The comparison with others is generally okay. Feel free to talk openly with your son or daughter about the subject. Try to find out together what your friends and girlfriends' pocket money exactly looks like. What exactly do the kids have to pay for themselves? And what remains freely available? Because as a rule, children who receive significantly more pocket money than everyone else also have to earn significantly more of it. Maybe lunch in the cafeteria, the cell phone bill, or school notebooks?

And what if the other parents simply have more money than your family? You should also address this supposedly unpleasant topic openly. Preferably before your child responds to you. Then don't get involved in a “pocket money competition” with other parents, but admit that higher pocket money simply does not suit your circumstances.

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Tip 5: Introduce budget money

Would you like to give your child more freedom? Then try it with a Budget money. In addition to normal pocket money, your son or daughter receives a fixed monthly sum for everyday purchases such as lunch, clothes, or school books.

Your child can freely allocate the budget money for the necessary things. In this way, it quickly learns how expensive the new brand shoes really are — and has to save money first instead of asking you for money directly.

By the way: You can easily manage your budget money with the Bling Card.

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